Data resource
3D Cohort Study: The Integrated Research Network in Perinatology of Quebec and Eastern Ontario
Birth cohort study that recruited 2,300 pregnant women receiving care in nine urban obstetric clinics in the province of Quebec, Canada (offspring birth years 2010-2012). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally from mothers, offspring and partner, includes biological specimens with extensive clinical, lifestyle, and psychosocial data. Further details here.
All Our Families (AOF)
Birth cohort study that recruited 3,300 pregnant women residing in Calgary, Canada (offspring birth years 2008-2011). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires, health records, and biological specimens. Further details here.
Amsterdam Born Children and their Development (ABCD) Study
Birth cohort study that recruited 8,200 pregnant women living in Amsterdam during their first prenatal visit to an obstetric care provider (offspring birth years 2003-2004). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires, research clinics, health records, and biological specimens. Further details here.
Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)
Birth cohort study that recruited 14,500 pregnant women living within the catchment area of 3 National Health Service authorities in southwest England (offspring birth years 1990-1992). Detailed information has been collected from offspring and their parents using questionnaires, data extraction from medical records, linkage to health records, and clinic assessments up to the last completed contact. Further details here.
Cork BASELINE Birth Cohort Study: Babies after SCOPE: Evaluating the Longitudinal Impact on Neurological and Nutritional Endpoints
Birth cohort study that recruited 1,500 nulliparous women in Cork, Ireland, with singleton pregnancies recruited from the Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) pregnancy cohort (offspring birth years 2008-2011). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires and research clinics, Further details here.
Barwon Infant Study (BIS)
Birth cohort study that recruited 1,100 pregnant women living in the Barwon region in Victoria, Australia (offspring birth years 2010-2013). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires, health records, and biological specimens. Further details here.
Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study (BIGCS)
Birth cohort study that recruited 10,000 pregnant women attending their first antenatal care visit Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center (GWCMC), China (offspring birth years 2012-present). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires and research clinics. Further details here.
Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC)
Birth cohort study (offspring birth years 1996-2003). Further details here.
Etude de cohorte généraliste, menée en France sur les Déterminants pré et post natals précoces du développement psychomoteur et de la santé de l’Enfant (EDEN)
Birth cohort study that recruited 2,000 pregnant women attending their prenatal visit at Nancy and Poitiers University Hospitals, France (offspring birth years 2003-2006). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires, health records, and clinic assessments. Further details here.
Etude Longitudinale Française depuis l’Enfance (ELFE)
Birth cohort study (offspring birth years 2011). Further details here.
Gene and Environment: Prospective Study on Infancy in Italy (GASPII)
Birth cohort study that recruited 700 pregnant women attending two maternal units located in Rome, Italy (offspring birth years 2003-2004). Further details here.
Generation R Study
Birth cohort study that recruited 10,000 pregnant women living in Rotterdam, Netherlands (offspring birth years 2002-2006). Detailed information has been collected from offspring and their parents using questionnaires, data extraction from medical records, linkage to health records, and clinic assessments up to the last completed contact. Further details here.
G21 Study
Birth cohort study that recruited 8,500 pregnant women delivering live-born infants at all five public maternity units that served the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal (offspring birth years 2005-2006). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires, research clinics, health records, and biological specimens. Further details here.
Growing Up in Ireland Infant Cohort
Nationally representative prospective infant cohort study which recruited a random sample of 11,134 infants born in Ireland from 2007-2008. Further details here.
Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ)
Birth cohort study that recruited 7,000 pregnant women residing within a geographically defined region of New Zealand chosen to provide a cohort of births that would be representative of all current births in New Zealand, especially with respect to ethnic and socioeconomic diversity (offspring birth years 2009-2010). Further details here.
Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO)
Birth cohort study that recruited pregnant women aged 18 years and above, attending their first trimester antenatal dating ultrasound scan clinic at Singapore’s two major public maternity units (offspring birth years 2009-2010). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires, research clinics, health records, and biological specimens. Further details here.
Hamamatsu Birth Cohort for Mothers and Children (HBC Study)
Birth cohort study that recruited all women who were in the first or second trimester of pregnancy and who visited the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Hospital of Hamamatsu University School of Medicine or the Kato Maternity Clinic (offspring birth years 2007-2011). Data collected during pregnancy and postnatally, includes questionnaires, research clinics, health records, and biological specimens. Further details here.
Healthy Growth Study (HGS)
Cohort study that recruited 2,300 school children aged 9–13 years, attending primary schools located in municipalities within the counties of Attica, Aitoloakarnania, Thessaloniki and Iraklio, in Greece (offspring birth years 2007-2009).
Millennium Cohort Study (MCS)
Birth cohort study that recruited 18,800 young people born across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (offspring birth years 2000-2002). Further details here.
Nascita e INFanzia: gli Effetti dell’Ambiente (NINFEA)
Birth cohort study (offspring birth years 2006-2017). Further details here.
Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
Birth cohort study (offspring birth years 1998-2008). Further details here.
Ontario Birth Study (OBS)
Birth cohort study. Further details here.
Birth cohort study that recruited singleton pregnant women aged at least 18 years old and giving birth in maternal units located in Florence, Rome, Trieste, Turin, and Viareggio in Italy (offspring birth years 2011-2015). Further details here.
Southampton Women’s Survey (SWS)
Birth cohort study that recruited 12 500, initially non-pregnant, women aged 20–34 years, living in the city of Southampton, UK. Women who subsequently became pregnant with singleton pregnancies were followed up during pregnancy; and their offspring have been studied in infancy and childhood (offspring birth years 1998-2005). Further details here.
TMM BirThree Cohort Study
Birth cohort study. Further details here.
The Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT)
Further details here.
Committee of Nordic Assisted Reproductive Technology and Safety (CoNARTaS)
Further details here.

ICES databases
General population records for all people who are eligible for health care in Ontario, Canada (13 million people). Includes linkage to pregnancy and neonatal outcomes from the Better Outcomes Registry & Network (BORN) Ontario and Niday Legacy datasets. Further details here.
Italian Twin Register (ITR)
Population-based registry of voluntary twins. Identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic) twins are enrolled in the registry and, at first contact, socio-demographic and anthropometric characteristics are collected. To date, approximately 29.000 twins have joined the ITR. The enrolment of new pairs continues all over the country and involves all age groups. Further details here.
MUltiple BIrth Cohort Study (MUBICOS)
Further details here.
HFEA records
Data on all fertility treatments, patients, partners, donors and children born as a result of these in the UK since 1 August 1991. Further details here.
OMEGA study
Nationwide cohort of women treated for subfertility that started ovarian stimulation for IVF between 1983 and 1995 in one of the 12 IVF clinics in the Netherlands or started fertility treatments other than IVF between 1980 and 1995 in 4 clinics (total 47,000). Includes linkage to Dutch Municipal Personal Records Database and prospective follow-up of all live-born offspring (birth years 1980-2001). Further details here.
Clinical cohort of IVF patients comprising women, and their partners, undergoing IVF treatment at the Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Bristol, UK. Prior to ovarian stimulation, both partners answered questionnaire on demographic, lifestyle factors and medical history, have their height, weight and blood pressure measured and blood samples taken. Couples achieving a clinical pregnancy were invited to participate in a longer term follow up study on themselves and their child. Further details here.
Clinical review of the Health of 22–33 years old conceived with and without ART (CHART)
Clinical cohort comprising 547 IVF-conceived adults and 549 matched controls. Further details here.