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MRC New Investigator Research Grant awarded to Ahmed Elhakeem

Ahmed Elhakeem has been awarded an MRC New Investigator Research Grant for a project called ‘SITAR enhancements to support state-of-the-art analysis of individual growth curves and their correlates’. The project, due to start in June 2025, will develop methods for analysis of height and body composition growth around adolescence and emerging adulthood including joint models for relating growth features to exposures/outcomes, and training/resources for researchers.


Professor Deborah Lawlor honoured with epidemiology prize

The International Epidemiological Association (IEA) has awarded its most prestigious prize, the 2024 Richard Doll Prize in Epidemiology, to Professor Deborah Lawlor of the MCR Integrative Epidemiology Unit.

In announcing the award, the IEA noted Lawlor’s commitment to undertaking high-quality impactful epidemiological science to improve reproductive, pregnancy and perinatal heath. Her contributions through an extensive body of work will be acknowledged during the opening session of the World Congress of Epidemiology, 24-27 September 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa.

“Being awarded the Richard Doll Prize is at the same time an honour and humbling – all of my research is team-work and it’s humbling to be given a prize for doing a job that I love when that is not the case for so many people. I look forward to meeting many friends and colleagues and making new friends and colleagues in Cape Town in September,” Deborah said.


Ahmed Elhakeem invited to give a talk at the Catherine Peckham Symposium

Ahmed has been invited to give a talk on SITAR growth curve analysis at the Catherine Peckham Symposium in September 2024, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health.


Keynote speaker at the ISGA Congress

Ahmed Elhakeem has been invited to give a keynote talk on ‘Innovative statistical methods to analyze growth’ at the 16th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Human Growth and Clinical Auxology (ISGA) in September 2024, Zagreb, Croatia.


Ahmed Elhakeem invited to give a talk at the DOHaD Worldwide Webinar Series

Ahmed has been invited to give a talk on cardiometabolic health in people born after ART at the DOHaD Worldwide Webinar Series in August 2024.